Scholastic Book Fairs
The PAC runs two scholastic book fairs at the school during the year -- the French Book Fair (Festival du Livre) is in October and the English Book Fair is in April. The French Book Fair offers many great French Resources e.g. dictionaries, grammar texts, etc. especially helpful for parents of students just beginning in French Immersion. There are also many great novels and non-fiction books for all students.
If we are able to reach our goal of $3000 in sales, then the school receives 60% of sales in book and classroom resource credits (at least $100 for each division, the library, and the learning assistance program). Volunteering: to volunteer for this event, please contact Shauna Farrell via [email protected] |
Staff Appreciation Luncheon
To thank the entire Lord Tennyson staff for their hard work during the year, the PAC holds a Staff Appreciation Luncheon each Spring. At this luncheon, the Tennyson staff enjoys a delicious lunch prepared and served by parents in the staffroom. The volunteer team also collects food contributions and cash donations to support this event.
Volunteering: to volunteer for this event, please contact [email protected] |