The Tennyson PAC
The Tennyson Parent Advisory Council (PAC), is the organized body that lets Tennyson families get involved in school activities and influence the school culture. Funding for PAC activities comes from direct donations, the Gaming Grant and fundraising initiatives.
You are automatically a member of the Lord Tennyson PAC when your child is enrolled at the school. Anyone can put their name forward to be elected to the PAC Executive Committee. The PAC Exec is a friendly group of parents who meet about once a month to manage PAC-led activities and liaise with and support the school Admin.
A list of PAC Exec members with contact information is at the bottom of this page.
What does the Tennyson PAC do?
- Host regular meetings where parents can socialize and learn about/get involved in school activities
- Organize PAC-led events like the Welcome Back Barbecue and Halloween Howl
- Bring in external speakers to keep families informed on current trends relevant for families of elementary school students
- Manage programs like the Hot lunch and Fruit and Vegetable Program
- Organize fundraising events to support school activities, when necessary
Contact us!
Contact the PAC Executive at [email protected].
Website enquires? Email [email protected].
The 2023-2024 PAC Executive
Co-Chairs Sunita and Orla, voted by acclamation
Co- Vice Chairs Julia Lemieux, Ashley Vaughan, voted by acclamation
Co-treasurers Andrew Lavigne, Malcolm Elisson, Linda Wang, voted by acclamation
Co-secretaries Lisa Yeates and Suzanne Enderton, voted by acclamation
District PAC Representative Trisha Mahoney
Non-elected PAC positions
Members at large Janice Cheam, Jo Gerrie, Lisa Seriosa, Tai Scott
Parent Speaker Coordinator vacant
Technology Manager Randi West
Website Lead vacant
The PAC is governed by the Lord Tennyson PAC Constitution and Bylaws:
The Vancouver District PAC has published guidelines for Vancouver PACs in PAC101: A Simple Look at the Parent Advisory Council.
Here are some useful links: