Cuts For a Cause Chandra Reddy and Alison Roman made a splash this week with their new hairdos. Over the March Break, they each cut off over 8 inches of hair to donate to Wigs for Kids BC, a charity program at the BC Children's Hospital that provides free custom-fitted human-hair wigs for children who have lost their hair due to cancer or other serious illnesses. Since September, they have been growing their hair and have asked their classmates and family members to donate their spare change for the cause. They raised over $320! For those interested in learning more or donating, check out the following links: Two Tennyson Girls team page: Wigs for Kids information: Way to go Alison and Chandra! This year, as in past years, we are hoping to put together a Tennyson Tigers team for the RBC Run for the Kids, held June 5, 2016. As the largest family fun run in Vancouver, RBC Run for the Kids (formerly ChildRun) inspires participants to raise funds for childhood cancer and mental health initiatives at BC Children's Hospital. On Sunday, June 5, 2016, the RBC Run for the Kids will host runners and walkers of all ages and abilities on a scenic 5km or 2km Fun Run route, followed by a carnival celebration.
See more at, and look under "search for a team," and "Tennyson Tigers." Early bird entry prices available until April 18, and team entries need to be in by May 16. We need 20 participants to qualify as a team. Parents should sign up with their kids for the run unless they know their child is old enough to navigate a very busy running course on their own, and capable of finding a prearranged meeting spot after the race. There will be no supervision of children by anyone other than the parent. If your child can raise $150 dollars (a few well-timed lemonade stands), entry is complimentary. Starting in mid-April, Tennyson will host a Kilometre Club for running every Tuesday morning (more info on that soon!), which is a great way for kids to prepare for the fun run. The annual “A-THON” this year is a Spell-a-thon on April 22.
The idea is that the students will do an age appropriate spelling test. They will ask for pledges from families and friends, for each correct answer on the test. As an incentive for the students to get lots of pledges, small prizes will be awarded randomly and to the best fundraisers. Currently, the organizers are looking for small incentive prizes for all grades. If you would like to donate something, please leave it in the bin in the photocopy room, across from the office. Alternatively, use this letter to solicit something from a business in your neighborhood. If you have any questions, please email [email protected]. In particular, if you are going to be soliciting prizes, please let the organizers know, so that we do not bother a particular business more than once. The prizes will go on display sometime the week of April 11, so it would be great to have your contribution by then. Thank you for the support! It's time for the Tennyson English Scholastic Book Fair!
Monday April 11th - Thursday April 14th Open before school 8:30-9:00 every day except Monday, at recess 10:35-10:55 and after school 3:00-3:30, Wednesday 1:30 -3:30 or longer after school depending on staffing. This is NOT a fundraiser - all sales put more books in our school! If we sell $3000 worth of books, we receive 60% back in Scholastic credits. These credits are divided between the teachers, library and resource teachers. Credits are exchanged for books that will enrich your child’s class. Picture books, dictionaries, non-fiction - we have it all. Most of the books will be in English, but we will have some books in French. Here’s a link to some author videos. We will do Teacher Wish Lists this year. Teachers can provide a list of books that they wish to have in their class. You can purchase a book for your child’s teacher and at the same time your purchase goes towards our Scholastic credits! Volunteering at the Book Fair is a great way to meet lots of Tennyson students. We also need helpers to set up on Monday April 11 from 8am – 10am. If you are able to help out for any part of the book fair, please email Nana Yenson at [email protected] with the day and time that you are available. Hope to see you there! Let's face it, our kids did not come with a manual, and for most of us it's hard work. Next to working at our relationships with parents and spouses, etc., working to become a good parent is half luck and half skill. There is no perfect parent.
But you are not alone. There is a whole community that is willing to help, support and encourage you along the way. Here is a collection of ten Ted Talks on parenting. Enjoy! As an official stakeholder with the VSB, the Vancouver District Parent Council (DPAC) is holding a "Budget Forum" this week Thursday March 10 at 7pm.
They have invited VSB staff and Trustees to attend their meeting to review the VSB 2015/1016 operating budget - there is an anticipated a $1.23M surplus at the end of this financial year (June 30), as well as the 2016/17 budget shortfall, estimated at $24.38M. Parents will have the unique opportunity to hear directly from VSB senior staff (Russell Horswill, Secretary Treasurer; Lisa Landry, Director of Finance; and Scott Robinson, Superintendent) and ask them questions to better understand the VSB financial situation, the budget procedures and timeline. Staff will not be sharing the Budget proposals this week - these will be presented at a Committee III/V meeting on March 31 which parents can also attend but its not an open forum for questions. For the full budget timeline see DPAC Budget Forum meeting will be in Room #120 at the VSB offices (main floor, 1580 West Broadway at Fir, parking free if you put license plate # on list upstairs). The DPAC meeting runs 7-9pm but its our understanding that the Budget discussion will be first up at 7pm and go for about 30 minutes. All parents are welcome at DPAC meetings - you do not have to be on your school PAC executive to attend - anyone can attend. We encourage you to share this with your parent community and encourage you to attend this meeting on Thursday - its a great opportunity to hear directly from VSB regarding their Budget and ask your questions directly of staff and Trustees. Bikes for French Exchange Family :
We have a wonderful French family coming to Lord Tennyson for May and June from Annecy, France to do a home and school exchange with one of our Tennyson families. We are looking to borrow one adult and one youth 24" bike for the month of May (they are covered for June with bikes). If anyone has any extra bikes they will not be using during May please contact Dreama Lee ([email protected]). Thank you! There is currently momentum amongst parents in BC to push for more government funding for public education.
What can you do?
The Ski and Board Club had a fun 4 weeks of skiing and boarding at Grouse Mountain. Despite some rainy weather, wet students and a last minute mountain shut down; fun was had by all! It was amazing to see each child improve every week (including some participants who had never skied or boarded before). The Tiger spirit and code of conduct was on awesome display as the group of students conducted themselves in a respectful and mindful way each and every week. Their joyous school spirit was captured at the end of a long evening on the mountain with singing in the back of the bus! Thank you to Dreama and Justin Lee for organizing and running Tennyson's Ski & Board Club this year. And they would like to thank their many wonderful parent volunteers who joined them at Grouse to help make sure everything ran smoothly each week! Thanks to: Jon Lazar, David Pavan, Nadine Pavan, Dave Roman, Tai Scott, Jin Wang, Keith Tolhurst, Claire Sandham, Lily Cheung, Nicky Boyd, Ryan McCuaig, Craig Sexsmith, Paul Herrick And a huge thanks to Dreama and Justin Lee! The West 2 Community Schools Team will be offering the following programs for the spring session. Registration forms will be available outside the school office before spring break. Please make sure to fill out both sides and attach payment. Completed forms and payments can be put in the slot in the drop box. Please note, these programs are run by VSB's Community Schools Team, not PAC. Any questions can be sent to Dianne Sankey, Community Schools Team Programmer at [email protected].
Sportball (grades K-2) Tuesdays April 12 – May 31 (8 sessions) 3:05-4:05 pm Gym $104 Babysitting (grades 4-7) Tuesdays April 12 – May 3 (4 sessions) 3:05-5pm Music Room $60 Drama (grades 4-7) Thursdays April 14-June 2 (8 sessions) 3:05-4:05 pm Music Room $85 |
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