![]() We look forward to seeing you this Friday night - 2 December at WINTERFEST 2016 This is a long standing Tennyson tradition to kick off the Holiday Season, hosted by Grade 6 students and their families. To help plan your evening, please note:
Worried about how to pay? No problem: just grab your wallet (and your kids); we accept cash/credit cards and even cheques this year!!! And, of course, SANTA is making a special appearance once again this year, so be sure to capture the spirit of season with a family photo. If you still need more reasons to attend this not-to-be-missed event, here is ... TENNYSON'S TOP TEN REASONS TO ATTEND WINTERFEST 10. The Grade 6 parents are hosting - you don't have to volunteer! 9. To take a break from cooking dinner. 8. Get lucky with the 50/50 draw. 7. Homemade Baked treats & Hand made crafts for sale. 6. The kids can get creative at the Craft centre while you dine, bid, shop and be entertained in peace. 5. Wine Raffle - 6 prizes, top prize is 20 bottles 4. Over $12,000 worth of Silent Auction items with huge variety and amazing deals to be had (see more info below). 3. Drop your children off at the Games Room ... more time to mull over your bids. 2. See amazing student performances (every grade is represented ... check out the line up here) at the Talent Show. And the number one reason to attend Winterfest this Friday, after school, is: 1. To kick off the holiday season with an incredible community of wonderful people! Here are some of the big-ticket items in the Silent Auction (but fear not, there are over 130 items at a huge variety of price points):
![]() It is the kick-off to the holiday season! Please join the Tennyson community on Friday night (3pm - 7:30pm) and enjoy some holiday baking, do a little shopping at the Silent Auction, and watch students perform. Maybe even win the wine raffle? The best part is that the Grade 6 parents are hosting so the rest of us can relax and enjoy. Check out some of the Silent Auction offerings on the Winterfest page. All proceeds help to send students to Quebec! ![]() Thanks to Nana for organizing the book fair for the school. Here is a message from her: Tennyson parents, you are an amazing bunch! Thank you for making the Fall Book fair the most successful fair ever. We received almost $2942.49 in Scholastic credits. The school's 19 teachers, librarian and two resource teachers all received $133.74 in books. Your generosity with the Wish Lists show what incredibly dedicated parents you are. I love the book fair but it would go nowhere without my awesome Book Fair volunteers! Thanks Book Fair Team! For those who ordered a book or poster: some of you may receive your order on Monday. That is because they were "last copies" and you were the first to place an order. For the rest, I have placed the orders with Scholastic. When I get the books and posters, I will get them to the teachers who will then pass the item to the student. Sex talk. No sweat: A Workshop for Parents
Tuesday, Dec 6 , 6:30-8pm (library) childcare provided Not all parents are comfortable talking to their children about sex, but all parents can learn to be comfortable. During this open and informational session, parents will come to terms with sexual health, and understand how it fits into the lives of their children at this stage of life. Attendees will discover how to easily overcome embarrassment when talking about sexual health, learn words and concepts that are easy to use, and leave well equipped to clearly answer the questions children ask. The workshop is light hearted, but delivers straight and current facts on how parents and children can work together to promote good sexual decisions for a lifetime Check out the lost and found! and other important annoucements for the week of November 2011/20/2016
There are a few Tennyson events this week:
First, a not-so-gentle reminder that Lost & Found items need to be reclaimed. Lunch kits, water bottles, shoes, and hoodies galore. It is impossible to keep the collection neat when it overflows (see the photos below). Please stop by the Lost & Found (in the alcove across from Rm 105, west end of the main floor). Unclaimed items will be donated before Christmas. Mon, Nov 21 at 7pm: PAC Meeting All welcome, childcare provided Check out the Lost & Found before the meeting. Nov 21 - 25: Scholastic French Book Fair The book fair starts Monday, Nov 21 at 3pm. It is open before school 8:30-9:00 every day (except Monday), at recess 10:35-10:55 and after school 3:00-3:30. This is NOT a fundraiser - it is a way to put extra books into the classrooms and library. If we sell $3000 worth of books, we receive 60% back in Scholastic credits! These credits are divided between the divisions, the library, and the resource teachers. The credits are exchanged for books that will enrich your child's class. Picture books, dictionaries, and non-fiction - we have it all. Most of the books will be in French. Here is a link to some reviews of the books that will be available. We will do the Wish Lists again. Your teacher will have a list of books that they wish to have in their class. You can purchase a book for your child’s teacher and at the same time your purchase goes towards our Scholastic credits. Don't forget to enter your name into the Family Draw ... the winner gets $25 worth of books and so does their classroom teacher! Check out the Lost & Found after buying your books! Nov 21 - 25: Tennyson's Winter Clothing Drive Now that the weather has turned cold, it is time to pull out all of the warm gear and pass along items that your child has grown out of. Check here for details. Questions? email Nadine or Dreama. Check out the Lost & Found when dropping off your donations! Fri, Dec 2 from 3pm-7:30pm: Winterfest Plan to spend the afternoon and/or evening at Tennyson to start the holiday season off right. You can begin (or finish!) your holiday shopping and maybe even win a few bottles to get you through the winter. More details here. The Winter Shop at 7e7
Our annual Winter Shop is coming! What started out as a pop-up at the Le Marché St. George garage has now become a full-fledged seasonal launch and we are pleased to announce a bigger venue for this in Mount Pleasant. 7e7 is the name of our new concept space, two doors down from where Atelier St. George is currently situated. Nestled within our new space is the new Mandula flagship, The Wild Bunch head quarters, and the new permanent home of Janaki Larsen Ceramics. Come celebrate with us! The Winter Shop at 7e7 officially opens to the public on the 26th of November, from 10 - 7pm. More details Please see the following message from a Tennyson parent:
I am looking for a babysitter who has completed the babysitting class, grade 7 students are welcome to inquire. On call, evenings and/or weekends for one 6 year old child - once or twice per month. We live on 6th (between Yew and Vine St) in Kitsilano. Please send me an email at [email protected] if you are interested. Volunteers are needed for the Scholastic Fall French Book Fair
November 21-25 Hello Tennyson Families, The Fall French Book Fair is being held November 21-25. Parents are needed to volunteer with setting up, sales and packing up. Set-up will be from 9:00 Monday November 21. Sales will begin at first recess on Monday, with sales every subsequent morning, first recess and after school. All remaining books will need to be boxed up on Friday after school. Our school receives credits for every dollar spent at the fair. With your help, each class will receive credits to purchase books and other materials. If you are able to help, please sign up on the online signup sheet. I you have any questions, please email Nana at [email protected]. Thank you! |
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