Check out the lost and found! and other important annoucements for the week of November 2011/20/2016
There are a few Tennyson events this week:
First, a not-so-gentle reminder that Lost & Found items need to be reclaimed. Lunch kits, water bottles, shoes, and hoodies galore. It is impossible to keep the collection neat when it overflows (see the photos below). Please stop by the Lost & Found (in the alcove across from Rm 105, west end of the main floor). Unclaimed items will be donated before Christmas. Mon, Nov 21 at 7pm: PAC Meeting All welcome, childcare provided Check out the Lost & Found before the meeting. Nov 21 - 25: Scholastic French Book Fair The book fair starts Monday, Nov 21 at 3pm. It is open before school 8:30-9:00 every day (except Monday), at recess 10:35-10:55 and after school 3:00-3:30. This is NOT a fundraiser - it is a way to put extra books into the classrooms and library. If we sell $3000 worth of books, we receive 60% back in Scholastic credits! These credits are divided between the divisions, the library, and the resource teachers. The credits are exchanged for books that will enrich your child's class. Picture books, dictionaries, and non-fiction - we have it all. Most of the books will be in French. Here is a link to some reviews of the books that will be available. We will do the Wish Lists again. Your teacher will have a list of books that they wish to have in their class. You can purchase a book for your child’s teacher and at the same time your purchase goes towards our Scholastic credits. Don't forget to enter your name into the Family Draw ... the winner gets $25 worth of books and so does their classroom teacher! Check out the Lost & Found after buying your books! Nov 21 - 25: Tennyson's Winter Clothing Drive Now that the weather has turned cold, it is time to pull out all of the warm gear and pass along items that your child has grown out of. Check here for details. Questions? email Nadine or Dreama. Check out the Lost & Found when dropping off your donations! Fri, Dec 2 from 3pm-7:30pm: Winterfest Plan to spend the afternoon and/or evening at Tennyson to start the holiday season off right. You can begin (or finish!) your holiday shopping and maybe even win a few bottles to get you through the winter. More details here. Comments are closed.
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