If there are any primary students that did not collect their Jump Rope for Heart prize, they may collect it at the Heart and Stroke Foundation office located at:
1216 West Broadway, right on the corner of Alder Street by the Toys R Us. 778-372-8052. Also, if you would like to enter your child’s name into the Jump Rope for Heart Grand Prize Draw for an iPad Mini, please use this link or go to www.jumpropeforheart.ca. Please note the deadline for entering into the draw is June 30, 2014. Thank you for participating this year and supporting the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Kind regards, Mary Pappajohn School Coordinator Coastal Vancouver The current group of grade 7 parents are not the type to let a strike get in the way of their children's elementary school graduation ceremony. Thank you to many, many parents for pulling this off and a huge thank you to Mme Lavoie for all of her support. The grade 7s and their parents were so thrilled that she could attend and add the right amount of Tennyson flair to the event. Sadly, the teachers were missed but photos were shared with them. This event never would have happened without the following people (thank you!): Dianne & Linda (you will both be missed as you move on) Melina, Michelle, Quincy, Andreas (wow - what a decorating team!) Mme Lavoie & DJ Jackson Toni, Shauna, Jane, Nona, Patrice, Laurie Danica (thanks for the Van Dusen rental) Veronica Ross (a grade 6 parent who came to help with the food serving) The grade 7s looked stunning and had a chance to share favourite Tennyson memories before they received their elementary diplomas. It was a wonderful sense of closure to 8 years at Tennyson. A lovely lunch was shared with parents and the students danced (well, the girls did at least) to the tunes of DJ Jackson. We would like to extend a huge shout out to Grade 7 student Max Botham who put together two year end slide shows (one for K - Gr3 and one for Grades 4-7). The students were shown the slideshows in the gym on Friday. The amount of cheering and calling out of names of those on screen makes us realize how important this is for the Tennyson students. Thanks Max for your many hours of work on these slideshows ... everyone appreciates it!
This message is from Shaughnessey Heights Church and we are posting it here solely due to the offer of childcare ... they are offering free childcare to the community on upcoming strike days. Please contact them directly for more information or to register.
To support families in our communities and congregations, we are pleased that we are able to offer free childcare for children (ages 5 - 12) from 8 am - 4 pm on upcoming strike days. Lunch and snacks will be provided. All families welcome. A financial donation towards the cost of the program and meals are appreciated but not required. Parents or guardians can register their child online ahead of time to avoid disappointment at www.shuc.ca A parent or guardian must accompany the child(ren) into the building and sign the permission form. The following is a message from Ruth Anderson, our Strings teacher:
Dear Tennyson Strings Parents, Due to the cancelation of school/classes on Wednesday, I will be unable to collect instruments or summer rental forms. Mme. Lavoie has agreed to allow students and/or parents to return the instruments to the school to be stored in the strings/music room until I can organize them. If you are renting the instrument for the summer, please fill out the summer rental form (another copy is attached if you need it) and leave that form along with the cheque in my box. All instruments or summer rental forms need to be returned by this Friday, June 13th. If you have any specific questions concerning your own situation, don't hesitate to email me. Thank you very much for a great year together! Ruth Anderson VSB Itinerant District Strings Home School: Sexsmith Elementary 604-713-4901 Registration for the Vancouver Public Library’s annual Summer Reading Club begins on Friday, June 13th. This year’s theme is “Funny Business,” with a lineup of programs and activities that will have kids laughing themselves silly. The summer reading club is a great way to maintain reading skills over the summer while having lots of fun. And it’s free! Kids ages 6-12 can drop by their local branch to pick up a reading record and find out more about the summer reading club in their community.
The Children's Run was yesterday in the lovely sunshine. The Tennyson Track Tigers had about a dozen members and everyone had a great time at the run. Thanks for organizing the team, Carina!
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