Lord Tennyson Quebec 2023 is fundraising with Purdy's and Growing Smiles, just in time for Christmas!
Both campaigns will run from November 1-15th. This is a great way we can support our community by giving gifts this Holiday Season and helping the grade 6 class make their dream of going to Quebec more of a reality! https://fundraising.purdys.com/1365807-88418 Just thinking of the Sweet Georgia Brown chocolates is making me drool! Get those office gifts and stocking stuffers early, feel organized and support your school community. Share the link with your family and friends so they can get holiday shopping done early! Lord Tennyson Quebec 2023 (growingsmilesfundraising.com) Order as many poinsettias, wreaths and other festive floral arrangements as you like. Order for yourself, order for friends, order for parties! And please share the link with family so they can help support our kids. Order deadline November 15th and Pick up dates week of Nov 29th. Thank you for your support! Quebec 2023 Students and Parents Join our Winter camps this year! Children will have a memorable Winter break doing a variety of creative and enjoyable outdoor and indoor activities at Funderland. You can register weekly, daily or just try a drop in first.
Details: Fee: $ 60 / day funderland.ca BC Housing has provided the following update:
•Rezoning application has been submitted by BC Housing to the City of Vancouver to build approximately 140 new homes, with support services, for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness in Vancouver at 2086 and 2098 West 7th Avenue, 2091 West 8th Avenue. •The new homes would be permanent, affordable rental homes managed by an experienced non-profit housing operator who would provide 24/7 support services to residents including health care, food services, laundry, life skills training, and employment training. The homes would be studio apartments with a private bathroom and kitchen, designed to meet universal accessibility guidelines. The building would include outdoor space amenities such as laundry, a dining area, program space and parking. •As part of the rezoning process, the City will be hosting a virtual open house where residents can review the plans and provide feedback on the rezoning application. •You can review the rezoning application submission now and the open house will take place from November 1st to 21st at: https://shapeyourcity.ca/2086-2098-w-7th-ave-and-2091-w-8th-ave •Deadline to submit comment is October 31st Lord Tennyson PAC Meeting – Oct 18, 2021 Agenda
IMPORTANT DATES Monday, Oct 18: PAC Meeting Friday, Oct 22: Pro-D Day (No School) Wednesday, Oct 27 & Thursday, Oct 28: Early Dismissal for all students at 2pm. Thursday, Nov 11: Remembrance Day (No School) Monday, Nov 22: PAC Meeting Friday, Nov 26: Pro-D Day (No School) SUPPORT QUEBEC 2022 with 10% OFF Custom Reflective Stickers & Glow-in-the-Dark Bracelets.
Stay Safe at Night this Spooky Season! Go to campaigns.mabelslabels.com and choose Lord Tennyson from the list! Then shop the sale and your nighttime safety products will ship directly to you with FREE shipping! |
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