Seven grade 7 girls participated in their first games this year at Lord Kitchener school. The girls played three games, two against Lord Kitchener team A and B, and one against Trafalgar. They were defeated by Lord Kitchener teams (14-25, 18-21), but in the third game against Trafalgar they took the lead from the first serve and finished strong by winning the game (25-12). Team Tennyson communicated well in the heat of the games, they had some good serves (aces), and successful spikes, no digs and blocks yet .... These will come in time with more training, no doubt about it. And the most important aspect of all is that everybody had fun! Last but not least, the team's coach is Mme Janesse (div 15 teacher), who is an experienced volleyball player with many competitions under her belt. She is very supportive of the girls, training them weekly in a fun atmosphere, refereeing the games and driving the girls to and from games. Thank you coach. And thank you to Mme Lavoie and Paul Farrel who also drove some girls to the game. Parent drivers, if you are available after school, we need you to drive the girls to and from games. In addition you would have a chance to see the girls playing at their best! All games are played at Kitchener school (Blenheim and 25th Avenue), on each Thursday after school till December 12. Stay tuned!
Thanks to Cristina Ionica for submitting this blog entry and sending the photos. Many students came to school today for Halloween wearing spectacular costumes. Here's a sampling: Wow! The 27th annual Halloween Howl this past Friday night was another howling success! With over 800 attendees (including 200 volunteers), it was a night to remember. Some highlights:
Please use the comment section below to let everyone know what your Howl Highlight was. Thank you to the many photographers who contributed these photos (including Rob Kruyt and Jane Gardiner who ran the photo room). Keep sending photos, we will post more as we receive them. As always, a HUGE THANK YOU to Ward Stirrat and Borja Fisher Brown (our fearless Howl leaders) - we can't imagine doing this without you! You make the Howl the highlight of the Tennyson calendar year after year! And here are some photos of our wonderful volunteers. Click to enlarge:
Thanks to Quebec 2015, the field was transformed into a Pumpkin Patch today. Students can buy a pumpkin with their class or after school (parents - come get one at pick up or during the teacher conferences today or Thursday). The carving contest is tomorrow (Thursday). 95 Tennyson students competed against over 3000 Vancouver students at the district wide cross country meet on Thursday at Trout Lake. We were bright, we were loud, and we were FAST! For the first time ever, Tennyson had 10 students in the top 25 for their grade (each race had up to 350 runners). A huge thanks goes out to parent Chris Fuoco who fearlessly (and sometimes loudly!) leads the team along with help from Karoly Barna and Ed Sernoski. Many parent volunteers helped by organizing kids, bringing snacks, driving to meets, handing out shirts and toques, and much more. Thank you to all of the parents who helped but a special shout out to Tomi Eng, Jacqueline Crummey, and Fiona Davis Brown who were instrumental in keeping everything running smoothly. Here are the students who received ribbons for placing in the top 25 runners in their grade. Congratulations to all runners ... we are proud of everyone who ran. Everyone should be proud of their participant ribbon.
Dryden Fuoco, Chandra Redhy, and Ben Cook just missed receiving placement ribbons.
Thanks for an amazing season everyone! Already looking forward to next year!
You may know of 4-H as an youth organization based in agriculture. Well, did you know 4-H has a club in the city? Meetings are held on the 2nd Friday of each month at the Old Barn Community Centre at UBC. A new member information meeting will be held on Friday, October 11 from 6 to 8 pm for students aged 9 years and up who are interested in hearing more. Email [email protected] for more information, or ask one of the Tennyson members. Four Tennyson students are members of the UBC 4-H club and recently celebrated their achievements together at the UBC Barnraising Festival. (Alex Sernoski, Jenny Tindall, Charlotte Sernoski, Ella Stewart with Beau the rabbit). This year, Ella and Jenny both took on a Food Project and were very successful with their baking. If you ask them nicely, they might share the recipe for their lemon squares and brownies that won a blue ribbon at the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Country Fest! Alex completed an Outdoor Living educational display which earned him a 1st prize at the PNE 4-H fair! Submitting a project to the PNE also earned him a day of free rides at Playland and a pizza party. In addition to other activities, the 4-H members visited the Hamming Dairy Farm in Richmond and learned how to judge dairy cows, small engines, meals and camping equipment. ![]() The VSB has released the following information regarding kindergarten registration for next year, including some significant changes to the process compared to past years. Any questions should be directed as indicated below.
Over 60 Tennyson students ran in the sunshine at the muddy Vanier Park Mini-Meet this afternoon. The sea of orange shirts and Tennyson cheers really made our team stand out.
All students ran well and many students had personal best. Congratulations to all Tennyson athletes, and a huge thank you to our coaches and parent volunteers. Here are our top finishers: Grade 1 girls: 14th place - Alison Roman Grade 2 girls: 5th place - Ellie Botham 6th place - Rachel Rallison 7th place - Sofia Kuzmanovic 8th place - Piper 9th place - Aliya Karsan Grade 4 girls: 3rd place - Lilly Smetzer 5th place - Ryan Kennedy 8th place - Caitlin Carey 10th place - Amanda Grade 5 boys 13th place - Aaron Brown Grade 5 girls 3rd place - Rio Pesochin 7th place - Sophia Bertuzzi 11th place - Maya Karsan 12th place - Esmé Astwood Grade 6 boys 8th place - Ben Cook Grade 6 girls 10th place - Erin If we missed you (or your last name), please send to [email protected] ![]() Tiger Spirit Wear is on sale now through Friday, October 18. See our Tiger Spirt Wear page for all the details on what's available and how to order. Examples of some items and sizes are on display in the front hall of the school. |
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