Seven grade 7 girls participated in their first games this year at Lord Kitchener school. The girls played three games, two against Lord Kitchener team A and B, and one against Trafalgar. They were defeated by Lord Kitchener teams (14-25, 18-21), but in the third game against Trafalgar they took the lead from the first serve and finished strong by winning the game (25-12). Team Tennyson communicated well in the heat of the games, they had some good serves (aces), and successful spikes, no digs and blocks yet .... These will come in time with more training, no doubt about it. And the most important aspect of all is that everybody had fun! Last but not least, the team's coach is Mme Janesse (div 15 teacher), who is an experienced volleyball player with many competitions under her belt. She is very supportive of the girls, training them weekly in a fun atmosphere, refereeing the games and driving the girls to and from games. Thank you coach. And thank you to Mme Lavoie and Paul Farrel who also drove some girls to the game. Parent drivers, if you are available after school, we need you to drive the girls to and from games. In addition you would have a chance to see the girls playing at their best! All games are played at Kitchener school (Blenheim and 25th Avenue), on each Thursday after school till December 12. Stay tuned!
Thanks to Cristina Ionica for submitting this blog entry and sending the photos. 5/16/2023 04:12:09 am
More games will be needed for these girls to get used to the dynamics of this sport, and this team can do wonders. Right coaching will be needed; this way, they can prove to be one of the best teams in the state.
10/22/2023 09:55:55 pm
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