Summer is coming to an end ...
Please check out the following information (from our admin team) about the first week of school. Message from Doug Roch and Regina Vosahlo: Dear Tennyson Families, Welcome to the 2018-19 School Year! We hope that you have had an enjoyable and relaxing summer. We look forward to welcoming back our students and families. The purpose of this message is to communicate the start-up procedures for the first week of school. You likely saw this in our June newsletter, but we wanted to give some more details. Thank you, and we hope you have a great long weekend! First Week Back to School Tuesday, September 4th Gr. 1-7 Students at all VSB elementary school attend from 9am-10am on this day. This allows us to compare our registrations with actual students, and to meet as a staff to look at the year ahead. All Grade 2-7 students returning to Tennyson from the 2017-18 school year will return to their previous classroom. We have had a few teachers move classrooms, but they will still meet the students by the 2017-18 classroom, and drop students off there at the end of the day. All students now in Grade 1 (who were at Tennyson in Kindergarten for 2017-18) will go to the gym. They will not be going to their previous Kindergarten rooms, as the K teachers need to begin their gradual entry process with our new Kindergarten students. All non-K students who are new to Tennyson will go to the library. All new Kindergarten students will follow the gradual entry schedule that was sent to you in July. Wednesday, September 5th Grade 1-7 students are in session from 9am to 3pm today, and for the rest of the week. It is important that we ensure that our student numbers are accurate. We are anticipating being able to move into new classrooms on Wednesday (though this could be delayed if we are not yet confident in our numbers). To facilitate a smooth transition, students will return to the same teacher/classroom that they were in on Tuesday. We will not be posting class lists. When we are confident with our numbers and, teachers will share the new classes with the students, and students will move to their new classrooms. This will be exciting for them, and they will have the remainder of the day in their new classroom. If you are picking up your child at the end of the day, here is where primary teachers will bring the students (all will be in the same general vicinity): -Grade 1 students to the undercover area behind the school (south-east side) -Grade 2 students by the basketball hoops (south-east side of building) -Grade 3 students by the picnic tables (east side of building) -Grades 4 to 7 students will go out their assigned door and can meet you in front of the school if they are being picked up. Thursday September 6th Assuming that we were able to change classes on Wednesday (likely), students will go to their new teacher’s classroom. Their teachers will inform them where to line up. If you are dropping off a primary student and are unsure, just come to the back (south-east corner) of the school and look for the teachers there. The warning bell rings at daily at 8:55am; instruction begins at 9:00 am, and school ends at 3pm. Supervision is only provided fifteen minutes prior to, and after the start and end bells. Not Returning to Tennyson? If your child is not returning to Tennyson and you have not informed the school, please do so right away. Returning Late? If your child is returning to Tennyson but it is going to later than Sept 4th, please inform the school if you have not already done so. We want, to ensure that your child is counted in our enrolment. Many thanks! Have wonderful first week back! Doug Roch & Regina Vosahlo Tennyson Admin Team |
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