Introducing the first ever Winterfest Virtual talent show! Brought to you by the families of Grad 2022🥳️☃️
We will host the talent show starting at 6:30pm on the night of Thursday December 17th. Singers, musicians, dancers, actors, gymnasts, circus stars, and all other performers we are looking for you! We have a short window of submission for your acts, and we need them to conform to the following specifics: *Appropriate for a family audience. *Maximum 2 minutes in length. *Say your name/s & what your performance is. *Submitted as a recorded file by Sunday December 6th, using this free file upload tool to get files to us *For technical advice, email Lisa Bergman at [email protected] *Please include an email to [email protected] & [email protected] giving permission/consent for us to run the file online for the Tennyson community on the evening of Thursday December 17th. at approx. 6:30pm. Also, to keep it the performance on the PAC website, for our school community to view if they are not able to watch during the initial evening. *Include in the email the name of the performer/s, their age/es, division/s. *Limited spaces due to time constraints (approx 30-40) Any questions, please contact Jacqueline Crummey. Passive volunteer opportunity! If you have any room to store a storage bin or Halloween Howl prop for a few months, we would be very grateful. Please see the link below for specific info on the items that need storing and sign-up if you can commit. You are also welcome to swing by tomorrow and take a look at what would fit in your space.
Howl Storage Sign Up Pick up: Friday, Nov 27th from 9:15-10:30am Back of the school - SW side of the gym Please email the Howl Team if you would like to arrange an alternate time to pick-up: [email protected] There are TWO SURVEYS circulating regarding school planning for the 2021/2022 school year.
ALL GRADES DPAC Survey closes Dec 15th and is for students across grades. Fill it out once per child. You may need to close your browser and reopen for reach entry. HIGH SCHOOL SPECIFIC If you have another child in high school, the VSB Survey is specific to secondary schools and closes Dec 6th (Fill it out once per child. You may need to close your browser and reopen for reach entry). There is a separate VSB Survey for high school students themselves (not parents). If you are interested in increased face-to-face learning time at VSB high schools, please read the original blog post below as well as the petition. This may be your only opportunity to provide feedback on planning for next year. Make sure your voice is heard! Kids, Schools, COVID and Safety - originally posted Nov 22, 2020 On Monday, Nov 16th Dr. Mary Kestler, Infectious Disease Specialist, presented to the PAC a 15 minute talk on Kids, Schools, COVID and Safety. In it she shared current data on the harms and benefits of keeping kids in school full time. We hope this info session was helpful to parents for navigate some of the risk factors (mental and physical) as well as terminology (exposure & outbreak vs transmission). If you didn't have a chance participate in the PAC meeting, you can view the recording HERE. The talk starts at the 27 minute mark and can only be view via a VSB Teams account. The presentation was also given at the VSB Board Meeting on November 18th and a youtube recording of that session can be viewed HERE, starting at 6:30. Parents can learn more about the impact of school closures on the BC CDC's website. as well as look up current data that is released weekly. Currently, Vancouver elementary schools are in session full time, however, secondary schools remain operating at 105 minutes of face-to-face (F2F) instruction per day (remote learning is roughly 60 - 300 minutes per week at the discretion of the teacher). If you, or anyone you know, has a child in high school, or starting high school next year (grade 7) and would like to learn more about the efforts to increase F2F learning time, please see the petition HERE. There will also be a VSB survey circulating before the winter break where parents can share their perspectives. VSB begins planning for next school year in January. For more details, contact CEEV NOW: [email protected] We are looking for milk crates to store gym equipment in for the move and beyond. Do you have any to spare? If so, please sent a note to [email protected].
Looking for Holiday Gifts and Treats? Purdys Chocolatier and Growing Smiles Fundraisers are live! Each year our grade 6 families fundraise for their grade 7 trip to Quebec. The cultural exchange is a Tennyson tradition and lasting experience for the students. Although with Covid, there is a lot of uncertainty regarding how this could play out, we still want to be ready. Part of the fundraising efforts this year include Purdys Chocolates and Growing Smiles: Chocolates and flowers! The perfect holiday gifts and great way to support Quebec 2022.
More moving news...the PAC owns a fridge that cannot move to the new space. Would you like it? You would need to arrange pick up and transport before November 18th.
Blog SubmissionsPlease send any blog entries to [email protected] (and include a photo if you can). See our blog guidelines.
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