The VSB has asked the DPAC to put forward a representative to the Emergency Management Committee. In addition to attending the meetings, the representative would report out at the following DPAC executive meeting (ideally orally and in writing). No information about the mandate or terms of reference has been shared yet, but they will send out meeting materials closer to the meeting date.
If you are interested in being the Representative on the Emergency Management Committee, please send your contact information to Jacqueline Crummey, [email protected] The next meeting is scheduled for, Tuesday, January 23 1:00 – 2:30 pm in Room 108 A/B at the VSB Education Centre Mme Simone has a friend who is collecting gently used backpacks to help displaced children in Syria.
Check out the Global News link here: If you are able to donate a backpack, please bring it to Mme Simone in room 216. Monetary donations are accepted towards providing makeshift schools Questions? please contact [email protected] After-School Programs
The Community Schools Team (CST) is happy to bring back two of your favorite after-school programs for the Winter Session: Sportball and Young Rembrandts Sportball will run January 23 - March 13 (8 weeks, $106) Young Rembrandts will run from January 25 - March 15 (8 weeks, $116). And here's the best news: registration is now online! Your child might have brought home a flyer in their backpack. If not, go to: (for Sportball registration) or (for Young Rembrandts registration). These are VSB run programs (not Tennyson PAC), please contact Dianne Sankey at 604 813 8776 or [email protected] with questions or for subsidy requests. Noon Hour Program Winter Term
The Noon Hour Program registration for the Winter term will open on Tuesday, Dec 12 at 7 pm - if it is 7:01 pm and the fundraising button is still not open, refresh your browser. That didn’t work either? Sign out and sign in again! Still not working? We have no idea! Registration is happening before this term is even done because the Winter term is short. This way we can get 8 weeks of classes in. Unfortunately, there are still no classes for Kindergarteners. Thank you for your understanding ... they can join the fun next year. The Noon Hour Programs are offered at Tennyson as a not-for-profit program. The fees associated with the classes cover the instructor’s fee and supplies. Classes are open to students in grades 1 - 7 (each class has a particular age requirement) and are offered between 12:25pm and 12:55pm after students have eaten their lunch. Courses are taught by experienced and paid instructors. The program is volunteer run and could use a bit more volunteer support. Please email [email protected] if you can be at the school from 12:15 - 12:35 on a particular day to help with getting students to class. Here is a list of the courses offered this winter. And an FAQ document Chi Kids got a new name - it’s now called POP! Thoughts, but still taught by Shauna. Yahoo! Many classes fill quickly so please do not delay in registering. If your child didn’t get a space, email us to be added to the waitlist. Questions? email [email protected] Thank you to all of the Grade 6 parents and students for hosting a wonderful Winterfest. And thank you to all the wonderfully brave students who performed throughout the evening. It is so amazing to see students (and even ex-students) on the stage. The shopping was great, the bake sale and food was delicious, Santa was a treat, and the student performers were entertaining. Congratulations to Gr 6 student Ceilidh Herrick who won the draw after completing the Snowman Scavenger Hunt. A $10 Cupcakes gift card will be coming your way! If you placed a successful bid on a Silent Auction item, you will be contacted soon (and the list is posted in the Tennyson lobby). Here are the wine raffle winners. The 50/50 winning ticket was 235893. It was not claimed at the event, please contact us if you have the winning ticket. 1st prize: Shirene Salamtian
2nd prize: Shane Boug 3rd prize: Kevin Stewart 4th prize: Doug Curror 5th prize: Eola Fenton 6th prize: Diane Rideout 7th prize: Jennifer Elliot 8th prize: Lalit Balachandran Arlette Steward, a graduate student in the Educational Psychology program at SFU, is looking for parent participation in her survey. Please contact her directly with any questions you may have and for the consent form.
This is her request: Dear Friends and Colleagues: I am entering the data collection phase of my research project, and I looking for parents to participate in my study. To assist in recruiting participants, I am asking that you please forward this email to people in your network. It can be distributed widely through your email and/or Facebook networks. More details are provided below and the informed consent form is attached. Interested people should contact me directly. Thanks, Arlette Faculty of Education Application number: 2017s0539 Invitation to Participate in Research Project Title: Parent’s perspectives of bullying: How do parents understand and respond to their child’s victimization in elementary school? Hello Parents, My name is Arlette Stewart. I am a graduate student in the Educational Psychology program at Simon Fraser University, working under the supervision of Dr. Lucy Lemare. My research interest is in the experience of parents who have a child who is a target of peer aggression in elementary school, and I am completing this project as part of the thesis requirement for my program. If you are a parent whose child (aged 6-12) has been bullied, you are an ideal candidate to provide information about the perspective of parents on this important topic. My goal is to describe and understand parent’s understandings of bullying and learn more about the strategies they use to support their child. If you participate in this study, I will meet with you for approximately an hour to ask you questions about your perspectives and experience. A brief survey will be completed to collect demographic information. Your confidentiality will be respected and your identity will be protected. All participation is completely voluntary. Your participation will be a valuable contribution to an understudied area of research on parent’s perspectives on bullying. Please contact me if you have any questions, would like more information or are interested in participating in the study. I can be reached at [ mailto:[email protected] | [email protected] ] and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Arlette Stewart Educational Psychology student, Simon Fraser University The following is a message from the DPAC A few things have arrived in our inbox since our December newsletter that we would like to share with the parents and guardians of VSB students. Important Dates:
SACY has a number of parent of parent education sessions coming up this school year. The December ones are listed in the important dates section above. More information can be found on their website ( and in these brochures: Volunteers Needed for BCCPAC Committees: BCCPAC is currently seeking parent volunteers to work on the following topics:
Below is an update from the Vancouver District Parent Advisory Committee. Great to see so many of you last month at our Executive and General meetings. If you were not able to make it, draft minutes are available on our website: and we hope you can join us soon.
Note: all DPAC meetings are open to parents and guardians of VSB students. Though only DPAC executives can vote at Executive meetings, and only official DPAC representatives (either PAC chair/co-chair or DPAC representative - PACs to self determine) can vote at General meetings, all parents and guardians of VSB students can participate. Important Dates:
PAC to PAC notices: Henry Hudson Elementary PAC's Seismic Upgrade Committee is supporting a petition started by a Hudson parent calling upon the new provincial government to follow up on its stated objective of accelerating seismic upgrades for the remaining high-risk schools throughout the province. We would welcome participation from all other PACs in Vancouver - please help us increase the number of signatures by sharing the link throughout your communities! Together we can demonstrate to the government (while it is preparing the budget for the coming year) that this concern remains high among parents across the province. If you have any questions or feedback please contact Laura MacDougall, committee chair, through [email protected]. DPAC News:
Updates at VSB:
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