Arlette Steward, a graduate student in the Educational Psychology program at SFU, is looking for parent participation in her survey. Please contact her directly with any questions you may have and for the consent form.
This is her request: Dear Friends and Colleagues: I am entering the data collection phase of my research project, and I looking for parents to participate in my study. To assist in recruiting participants, I am asking that you please forward this email to people in your network. It can be distributed widely through your email and/or Facebook networks. More details are provided below and the informed consent form is attached. Interested people should contact me directly. Thanks, Arlette Faculty of Education Application number: 2017s0539 Invitation to Participate in Research Project Title: Parent’s perspectives of bullying: How do parents understand and respond to their child’s victimization in elementary school? Hello Parents, My name is Arlette Stewart. I am a graduate student in the Educational Psychology program at Simon Fraser University, working under the supervision of Dr. Lucy Lemare. My research interest is in the experience of parents who have a child who is a target of peer aggression in elementary school, and I am completing this project as part of the thesis requirement for my program. If you are a parent whose child (aged 6-12) has been bullied, you are an ideal candidate to provide information about the perspective of parents on this important topic. My goal is to describe and understand parent’s understandings of bullying and learn more about the strategies they use to support their child. If you participate in this study, I will meet with you for approximately an hour to ask you questions about your perspectives and experience. A brief survey will be completed to collect demographic information. Your confidentiality will be respected and your identity will be protected. All participation is completely voluntary. Your participation will be a valuable contribution to an understudied area of research on parent’s perspectives on bullying. Please contact me if you have any questions, would like more information or are interested in participating in the study. I can be reached at [ mailto:[email protected] | [email protected] ] and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Arlette Stewart Educational Psychology student, Simon Fraser University Comments are closed.
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