In a press announcement at Lord Tennyson today, Premier Christy Clark announced funding for seismic upgrades to 45 BC schools, including Lord Tennyson. Other than being listed under "2014-2015" (we're not sure what these dates exactly mean), no details specific to Lord Tennyson were provided. The following video of today's announcement was shot in our very own Tennyson library: For more information, see the government's press release with today's news including information on the funding and a list of schools to be upgraded, and visit our Lord Tennyson Seismic Upgrade page.
The Grade 5s presented a seismic engineering demonstration (their structures could have used an upgrade), sang rap, and generally entertained the Premier. Student Leader Nerissa Kassis presented Premier Clark with a stuffed Tenny tiger to commemorate the event.
The event was followed by an earthquake drill. Rumour has it that Premier Clark participated in the drill, however our intrepid reporter was under a table at the time and is unable to confirm. Information on the Premier's announcement (with video) is covered in a separate blog bost. ![]() The school announced Friday that the BC Premier, Christy Clark, will be at Tennyson on Monday morning to make a media announcement regarding VSB seismic upgrades. The media announcement will take place in the school library and is a closed event. The Premier will then take part in a school wide earthquake drill. Watch our website and blog for more information as it unfolds. See our Seismic Upgrade Information page for information on VSB's seismic upgrade program and how it relates to Tennyson (based on our understanding prior to the upcoming announcement). Here is the full announcement from today's school newsletter: We are very excited to announce that on Monday, April 8th at 10:00 am, our Premier, will be visiting Lord Tennyson to make an announcement about seismic funding. We are uncertain what this means exactly for Tennyson and will inform you after the visit. Many guests will be present for this announcement including our MLA, Superintendent Mr. Cardwell, Chair of the Board Patti Bacchus and other senior management personnel from the VSB. Two members of the PAC executive Fiona Davis Brown and Borja Fisher-Brown will also be in attendance representing the PAC. Our six Grade 7 Student Council members will also be part of this event. The media will also be on site but we do not have information as to whom exactly. The Premier will also be participating in a school wide earthquake drill and has asked that one class participate in this drill with her in the library. Mme Lapierre’s Grade 5 class will be that lucky class. All other classes will partake in the drill in their classroom as per usual. After the in-class portion of the drill, we will all exit the building and go onto the field as we usually do during a drill. We are uncertain if the media will follow onto the field. If they do, we will ensure that students who do not have permission to be filmed, not be filmed. We are thrilled that she has chosen Tennyson for such an announcement and look forward to her visit. |
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