Whatever your situation, COVID-19 has probably hit you with new challenges when it comes to managing screen time and keeping your kid motivated for the weird world of distance learning. Common Sense Media can help.
Any tricks for managing screen time when school is online? Call their activities what they are: playtime, work time, friend time, family time, and downtime. When you have a common vocabulary for what they're doing online (and offline), you can communicate a lot more clearly—and honestly—about what they should be doing (homework?), what they want to do (Fortnite?), and what might be best for them (downtime?). Ditch the idea of "screen time" and get more tipsHow do I help my kid stay motivated for remote learning? It may take some trial and error to find out what your kid responds to best. Just remember: Your goal is to support them in making progress in school and their own aspirations. Save the goal of making the honor roll for when things get back to normal. This year, let the joy of learning be your guide. Here are some ideas:
Are there sites and apps that can supplement what my kids are getting through school?Yep. But there are so many that it's hard to know which ones are worth your time (and sometimes your money). We have lots of lists, but these three will have most of what you need to keep your kid learning and motivated:
The latest resources for you and your kid A back-to-school center for families! Set your family up for success with distance learning tips and schedules for kids at home, using the back-to-school guide at Wide Open School. There you'll find helpful resources from Common Sense and other trusted organizations on a wide range of topics, from using Zoom and managing anxiety to supporting emotional and social well being. conversations with Common Sense live events We’ve got a jam-packed schedule of live virtual events for you this month. The topics range from how to support kids' mental well-being during the pandemic to the need for more media representation of diverse characters and stories. All events are designed to support families by addressing the current climate and most pressing challenges parents and caregivers face. Check out the lineup and reserve your spot This is the last week of Virtual Summer Camp! We're wrapping up a summer full of learning and entertainment this week with activities focused on exploring other countries and cultures. Check out the activities for your kid Comments are closed.
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