You’re invited to a Parent Presentation – VSB Communicating Student Learning (Reporting) Pilot and Redesigned BC Curriculum
We wanted to take this opportunity to invite families to a workshop that we are preparing for you, related to the Communicating Student Learning/Reporting Pilot that many of our teachers are engaged in, as well as discussion about the core competency aspects of our redesigned BC Curriculum. Please take a look at the particulars. All parents are welcome! Date/Time: Monday November 26th; 6:30pm Place: Tennyson Library The purpose of this presentation is to provide further information about the Communicating Student Learning/Reporting pilot that many of our classroom teachers are engaged in (parents from Divisions 5-18 received a detailed letter electronically regarding this on October 15th – please contact the school if you did not). This session is open to all Tennyson parents/guardians, whether or not your child’s teacher is currently on the CSL pilot. The Vancouver School Board is currently engaged in a pilot that is designed to align reporting practices with the redesigned BC curriculum and assessment. As of last school year, about two thirds of Vancouver elementary schools had teachers using the piloted reporting structure with parents/guardians. The number of schools participating has again increased this year. In fact, almost all French Immersion schools in the district have either some, or all, classes engaged in the Communicating Student Learning reporting structure, including all of our neighbouring FI schools. During this presentation, we will present aspects of this Communicating Student Learning pilot that we think will be of interest and relevance to you (the letter that we sent out had a lot of detail, and we will aim to expand upon this and to answer any questions). We will also touch on aspects of the core competencies, and how these are linked to the CSL structure and its subsequent reporting to parents/guardians. Please RSVP to [email protected] so that we may get a sense of numbers. We have not yet secured childcare, but will send an update if we are able to have this. Thanks to all of our parents for your tremendous support of our Tennyson learning community! Comments are closed.
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