The Howl Date is set – Oct 23rd - but without a team of dedicated coordinators we cannot continue. It’s been 28 yrs. Please don’t let this ship sink!!!
The following positions need to be filled by Oct 4th to allow enough time to plan. Howl Chair (in training) This position is responsible for ensuring that the Howl in on track and moving forward. Working with other coordinators to make sure they have the resources they need. Volunteer Coordinators This position is primarily responsible for volunteer logistics, and recruiting. This position has been greatly simplified with the implementation of division assignments and the on-line sign-up, and now focuses on higher level recruiting, general appeals and data management. Ideally at least one member of this team spends a fair amount of time at the school. Communications Coordinators This position is mainly responsible for Howl communication both inside and outside the school, including graphics, banners, and e-blasts and in school posters. Suggested assistant positions Graphic Designer. Site Coordinators This position is mainly responsible for guiding the set-up of the hallway and rooms. Organizing materials, tools, and lighting. Haunted House Creators Together with Chair and Site Coordinators determine theme for the Haunted House, assist in finding any required props and lead a team of builders to implement the vision. Front of House Coordinators Responsible for ticket sales (pre-sales and Howl night), cash handling and security the night of the Howl. MAKE YOUR KIDS PROUD! BE A HOWL HERO! JOIN THE TEAM! For all the deliciously gory details email [email protected] AAAOOUUU!!!! Comments are closed.
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