As the construction continues, we are asking families to please make arrangements to park away from the school building and to avoid the intersections of 11th at Maple and 10th at Maple. Between the trucks and the traffic pattern change along the 10th Avenue bike corridor, it is best to avoid these areas if at all possible. The City has said that they will be sending out more information about the 10th Avenue plan and streets upgrades (such as painting of crosswalks and installation of bollards) in the near future. There is now a pedestrian light at 12th and Maple. Also, the contractor of the new site has said that they are doing their best to avoid truck traffic at peak pick up and drop off times, but the nature of their schedules and timelines do not always allow for this.
The City has told us that they have ordered increased bylaw enforcement around the school and in the general area due to calls from our neighbours, and calls regarding the bike corridor. Please refrain from parking in Permit Only spots as this creates tensions with our neighbours. Also, please be vigilant of City signage. We know that it is challenging to maneuver around certain areas around the school, and we strongly recommend families make arrangements to walk in (not at the affected intersections) from south of 12thAve or other areas a few blocks from the school. We thank all of our families for your patience during the construction and City traffic changes. Comments are closed.
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