We all agree Seismic Upgrading of schools should be a priority for the Provincial Government and the VSB so the conversation that followed the publication of a UBC Earthquake Risk Perception study reminded the public that many schools are still at risk. The area of contention for Tennyson families is that they used a picture of our school for their study and news release.
In addition to M Roch and the VSB's huge effort to persuade the researchers and UBC media department to use another image, the PAC Executive also contacted the UBC media department on behalf of Tennyson parents. We asked the media relations officer to remove the image and he agreed to take down the picture of the intact school from their website to make it less recognizable. He also assured us that he would not be naming the school if media outlets requested. Unfortunately, it was too late and the images had already been released to the media. The PAC Executive was only contacted by the Vancouver Sun/Province for comment and we released the following statement: We believe all students deserve to study in safe buildings, and urge the VSB and Provincial Government to continue its seismic projects with urgency. Lord Tennyson will be moving into a newly constructed, seismically up-graded building this summer, and images, like the post-disaster image of our school used in this study, have only caused distress and anxiety in our community. The VSB has already clearly expressed their unhappiness with the use of the image in the media releases. If you would like the PAC to also send a letter expressing our displeasure then please leave a comment below or email us. If 20 people or more comment or email we will go ahead. UPDATE December 13 2019: We received 3 comments to the blog post and 3 emails so will let the matter rest.
Anita Seiz
12/8/2019 06:55:06 pm
Yes - following up is important. If only in hopes to change procedures in the future and prevent this happening again.
Cheryl Lee
12/8/2019 09:03:16 pm
I am in favour of the PAC sending a follow up letter!
Amy Han
12/9/2019 10:15:19 am
I hope I'm not the only one who don't mind the Tennyson photo being seen, by adults of course. I really don't think this is an issue of privacy, because the issue this photo represents is way bigger, and way more dangerous than that. The people who created the image did not intend to distress Tennyson families, at least, no more than all BC families whose children are going to hazardous school buildings everyday.
Orla Sturgess
12/9/2019 02:04:33 pm
Hi Amy Comments are closed.
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