Dear Parents and Guardians,
Thank you to everyone who came out to our first PAC meeting on Thursday, September 22nd. It was great to see so many new parents. We are very fortunate to have such a dedicated and professional PAC executive working with us to support our students, parents and school initiatives. Lord Tennyson is known for the strong parental involvement, which work closely with staff to ensure the best possible experiences for the students. We are most appreciative of the on-going support we receive. Thank you to parents who attend our Meet the Teacher night on Thursday, September 28th. We hope your session with your classroom teacher was informative and helpful in fostering a working relationship, as the parent-teacher relationship is vital in ensuring a successful year. If ever you have questions or concerns about your child, your classroom teacher is the first person you should communicate with. A huge thank you to Jacqueline Crummey and the team of parents for organizing and volunteering at our Welcome Back BBQ! We appreciate all your hard work in ensuring that this important community building event ran smoothly. Merci! It was my first BBQ at Tennyson and I enjoyed the many conversations and laughter we shared. I look forward to many more. Thank you for your continued warm welcome as I get familiar with the many traditions at our wonderful school. Mme Alain Principal Agendas If your child’s class is using an agenda this year, please ensure that you review the Code of Conduct, which is included at the front of the agenda. We also ask that you and your child sign the commitment page also included in the agenda. For classes that are not using the agenda, a copy of the Code of Conduct was sent home along with the commitment page. Terry Fox Run The Terry Fox Run on Thursday, September 28th at 2:00 pm was a huge success. The primary students ran around the grass field, while the intermediate students ran around the perimeter of the school grounds along the sidewalk. They ran for 30 minutes with enthusiasm and gusto! Tennyson raised $540 for the Terry Fox Foundation. Thank you to Mme Kulokas and Mme Lorieau for organizing such a great event. Also, a big thank you to all the teachers and parents for cheering our students on. Well done Tennyson! Summer Watering of the Tennyson Garden We would like to thank the dedicated parents who watered the garden at the front of the school this summer. With the hot weather, I am sure they were kept very busy. We really appreciate their time and effort Hall and Playground Monitors A big thank you to our Grade 6 and 7 students who have put their names forward to be hall and playground monitors. It is rewarding to see so many of our students who are eager to help out. Our younger students absolutely love their big helpers and it really is a beautiful sight seeing the interactions between the younger and older students. We are so proud of our big helpers, who volunteer their recess time to ensure our students are safe on the playground and when entering the school. Fire Drill We will be having a scheduled fire drill on Friday October 7th. All schools are required to hold 10 drills, which include earthquake and Code Red drills, in the school year. Lord Tennyson has a comprehensive Emergency plan based on the VSB guidelines for Emergency Evacuation, Fire, Earthquake and Intruders. Staff have these guidelines in their staff handbook and are reviewed on a regular basis. Adventure Playgrounds Please be advised that the large adventure playground located in the front of the school is only for students in grades 4 to 7. Our primary students are not allowed to play on this structure during the day as this playground was only built for the older students. The older students are aware that the small adventure playground located in the back of the school is off limits to them. We ask for your support in ensuring that your children, who are in the primary grades, not play on the large adventure playground after school during supervision time: 3:00 to 3:15 pm. Staff who are supervising after school will ask primary students to get off the structure for their own safety! BC Fruit and Vegetable Program Once again, Tennyson will be participating in the BC Fruit and Vegetable Program. This is a government initiative whereby fruit and vegetables are provided to our students, free of charge, every two to three weeks. Ideally, the students will have the opportunity to enjoy the offerings together as a class. If you do not wish for your child to participate in this program, please let your classroom teacher know. A big thank you to Toni Botham for championing this program. For more information, along with delivery dates, please consult the volunteer page. Request from Mme Nona If you received a package of summer reading materials from Mme Nona and are no longer using the booklets, she would appreciate if you returned them so they could be used for other students next summer. Thank you. Annual Kickstart Fundraiser It is the time of year when the PAC starts fundraising, with the annual “Kickstart” fundraiser. Your child should have come home with an orange sheet, in their book bag, last week. Our 2016-17 PAC budget requires that we raise $ 28,445. Along with the spring “math-a-thon” or “spell-a-thon", these make up the PAC’s main fundraising initiatives. Last year, the Kick-Start raised $16,585!! The funds helped buy ipads, sound equipment for assemblies, speakers including Saleema Noon, science kits, a green house ... If it is within your means, we are asking for a minimum donation of $50/family. The Kick-Start contribution is the only tax-deductible means by which to donate to the PAC this school year (tax receipts will be issued by the Vancouver School Board). Forms can be found outside the office or on the website. Please return it, with your contribution, to the designated drop box outside the office, by October 14, 2016. Renfrew Library Programs Here are some upcoming programs at Renfrew Library that may be of interest to your students and families:
While some of our programs require registration, many are drop-in and all are free. The library offers a physical space for children and families to connect, play, and discover. We remain committed to early literacy development and family literacy and to promoting the use and enjoyment of our public library services, collections, and programs. IMPORTANT DATES
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